Significant operational improvement
is possible

TruDelivery® ready-to-use (RTU) products are easy
to stock, store, and deliver

Designed for today’s hospital pharmacies, pharmacists, and healthcare providers, TruDelivery® RTU products may contribute to greater workflow efficiency and save time.1 The entire portfolio is:

  • FDA approved2-8
  • Prepared by the manufacturer in compliance with exacting governmental standards9-16
  • Compatible with most automated dispensing machines

Most hospital pharmacy buyers can purchase TruDelivery® RTU products with their routine daily wholesale orders. These TruDelivery® RTU products are already available through your health system’s full-line wholesaler and on your group purchasing organization (GPO) contract.

Advantages for hospital pharmacies include:

  • Convenient, RTU delivery2-8
  • Reduced risk of medication error17
  • Extended dating compared with 503B compounded and in-house compounded products9,18-24*
  • Optimized inventory management1
  • Supportive of efforts to reduce waste25
  • Lowered risk for contamination1,26,27
  • Reduced cost and time associated with pharmacy preparation: vial, bag, diluent28-30
  • Focus on compounding products without an RTU alternative

TruDelivery® RTU product portfolio


For Category 3 compounded sterile preparations (CSP), the maximum beyond-use date (BUD) is 90 days at controlled room temperature (CRT), 120 days in refrigerator, and 180 days in freezer24 versus shelf life of 2 years at CRT for Adrenalin®, Dexmedetomidine, Ephedrine, Naloxone, and PREVDUO®9,18-21; 12 months at CRT and 2 years in refrigerator for Vasostrict®22; 72 hours at CRT and 18 months in refrigerator for Bivalirudin.3,23